WGBH/Boston Forum Network / TFAO partnership: program development
(this program suspended in 2008)
(above: Joseph Henry Sharp (1859-1953), Fireside, c. 1900, oil on canvas, on loan to the San Diego Museum of Art. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)
2006-2007 financial assistance program
WGBH/Boston Forum Network has invited TFAO to become a partner of WFN. This paves the way for TFAO to finalize partnership arrangements.
As a WFN partner, TFAO will sponsor videotaping of lectures, gallery talks and discussions (content) to be hosted online by WFN. TFAO will pay to WFN annual partner fees and will also lend financial support for the videotaping of the content.
TFAO's partnership will allow for content to be hosted by WFN in instances where a museum or other organization may not have enough volume of content or budget to justify annual WFN partnership fees, but may be interested in a TFAO collaboration. Also, TFAO may arrange for content to be produced in its own name. All content will be educational in nature and focused on American art.
Now that TFAO has arranged for a high quality channel for online streaming, content development is the next step. Suggestions on content, speakers and locations are welcome.
American art history would be an excellent subject. Lectures on and gallery tours of artworks produced prior to 1923 are of special interest as they are in the public domain, eliminating efforts needed for releases concerning artworks in copyright.
For more information on the Forum Network please see examples of online video. Please also see Online Educational Programming for Institutions.
TFAO financial assistance
TFAO may reimburse museums for the expense of program development and asks applicants to send a letter of inquiry by email to TFAO, and upon TFAO's acceptance of the letter of inquiry, the museum and TFAO work together on further steps leading to project funding.
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