a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering education in American art through advocacy, publication and research
Related 11/17 letter and email addresses
Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO) has revised and published online at tfaoi.org an updated edition of Art History of Each State within the United States of America. The catalog makes available online -- without charge to the public -- extensive information encompassing American representational art history.
For each state, there are links to TFAO's Resource Library articles and essays followed by: a list of the state's art museums which have provided materials to Resource Library; links to online resources outside the TFAO site, and information about offline resources including DVDs, paper-printed books, journals and articles. TFAO also provides online information on over 200 other topics related to American art.
Tfaoi.org, established in 2003, is an in-depth resource for students, scholars, teachers, writers and collectors seeking further understanding and appreciation of American representational art. The site is an online service of Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO), a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering education in American art through advocacy, publication and research. All TFAO services are provided free of charge.
Best regards,
The Journal of Arizona History eorzel@azhs.gov
California Historical Society fkaplan@calhist.org, weber@calhist.org
History Colorado brooke.gladstone@state.co.us
Connecticut Historical Society ask_us@chs.org
Delaware Historical Society deinfo@dehistory.org
Florida Historical Society ben.dibiase@myfloridahistory.org
Georgia Historical Society adillard@georgiahistory.com
Hawaiian Historical Society jhiga@hawaiianhistory.org, HHSOffice@hawaiianhistory.org
Idaho State Historical Society janet.gallimore@ishs.idaho.gov
Illinois State Historical Society ExecutiveDirector@HistoryIllinois.org
Indiana Historical Society reference@indianahistory.org
State Historical Society of Iowa jessica.nay@iowa.gov, Hang-Nguyen@uiowa.edu, shari.stelling@iowa.gov
Kansas Historical Society lin.fredericksen@ks.gov
Kentucky Historical Society courtney.jordan@ky.gov
Louisiana Historical Society sakr@cox.net
Maine Historical Society jrice@mainehistory.org
Maryland Historical Society panderson@mdhs.org, reference@mdhs.org
Massachusetts Historical Society pdrummey@masshist.org, eheavey@masshist.org
Missouri Historical Society library@mohistory.org, jtebbe@mohistory.org
Montana Historical Society rgebhardt@mt.gov
Nebraska State Historical Society nshs.reference@nebraska.gov
New Hampshire Historical Society sgalligan@nhhistory.org
New Jersey Historical Society jamemasor@jerseyhistory.org
New-York Historical Society reference@nyhistory.org
Ohio Historical Society info@ohiohistory.org
Oklahoma Historical Society kbush@okhistory.org
Oregon Historical Society shawna.gandy@ohs.org
Historical Society of Pennsylvania dhaugaard@hsp.org
South Carolina Historical Society molly.inabinett@schsonline.org
Texas State Historical Association laurie.jasinski@tshaonline.org
Vermont Historical Society paul.carnahan@vermonthistory.org
Virginia Historical Society jmcclure@vahistorical.org
Washington State Historical Society lynette.miller@wshs.wa.gov
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