The TFAO Free Online Digital Library
(above: Edgar Alwin Payne, High Sierra, 1921, Steven Stern Fine Arts. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)
Acquisition of content
Through our online publication Resource Library, we provide content accessed freely through the Internet. We seeks to provide content that either is relatively difficult to access from original publishers (often museums) in its paper-printed state or is not readily available through physical libraries. For more information on our conversion program and others see Digitizing Initiatives and our Special Projects section. Resource Library receives texts and images in digital format from museums and other sources concerning exhibitions and from a variety of sources relating to other topics.
Resource Library contains articles and essays by acclaimed authors plus other texts and related images provided mainly by nonprofit art museums, galleries and art centers and academies, associations, ateliers and societies. Pages on services to institutions and scholarly text from private sources describe how the publication serves both the public and its sources of materials.
Institutions often send to Resource Library much more information than usually sent to media organizations. They may send new or previously published essays, blog texts, magazine articles, gallery guide texts, wall panel and labels texts, audio tour scripts and checklists. Materials relating to exhibitions published in Resource Library often include elements infrequently published online or on paper. Resource Library does not inject its own critique or opinions into published texts.
Texts and images from institutions are usually sent to Resource Library by staff members including curators, executive directors and media relations personnel. Certain texts not attributed to an author -- such as gallery guide texts, wall panel and labels texts, audio tour scripts and checklists -- are usually written by curators. News releases are usually written by media relations staff, who gather information form curators before composing the releases. See descriptive information on staff positions and definitions in our Museums Explained. Less frequently, news releases are written by media relations firms retained by the nonprofits.
We offer -- without charge -- authors, publishers and other copyright owners a means to serve the public good while still realizing the commercial value of their assets. Published authors are named and their biographies provided whenever possible so that readers may gauge the quality of the texts.
Resource Library identifies the sources of published materials and directs readers how to contact the sources, as described in its content presentation guidelines. To provide oversight of source authenticity, Our director has approved all content for publication since Resource Library's inception.
Academic journals employ single or double blind peer review processes prior to publication. We, on the other hand, are an online publisher able to provide world-wide, permanent, post-publication criticism by all persons. We offer a free and fair mechanism for criticism of facts in all published texts. Also, we leave it to our readers to judge the competence of authors.
Protection of intellectual property rights is of vital concern to private owners of copyrights. Copyright owners who submit materials to Resource Library and grant permission for digitization and free public access to their copyrighted intellectual property -- primarily in the form of texts and images -- seek assurance that the materials will available for the intended purpose and not be commercially used by us. As a non-profit charitable corporation, we provide a channel for free public access on a perpetual basis yet allows copyright holders undiminished rights to realize the economic value of their intellectual property during the period of copyright protection and beyond. Our Resource Library dissuades individuals from copyright infringement and plagiarism in its User Agreement page and encourages students to thoroughly learn about plagiarism. We encourage teachers to explain the meaning of plagiarism, how it may occur, the harm it causes and the legal penalties for its practice. We address plagiarism and copyright infringement in the General Resources section of its Resources for Collectors and Students of Art History.
Obtaining permissions for digitization of copyrighted texts is often difficult and time consuming. A thoughtful report by Denise Troll Covey titled Acquiring Copyright Permission to Digitize and Provide Open Access to Books, published by the Digital Library Federation, documents a project that studied the procedures, costs and success rates for groups of researchers seeking permissions from publishers to digitize in-copyright texts. Figure 5 related to one of the studies covered in the report contains an interesting chart that displays response and success rates for various types of publishers including museums, scholarly associations, university presses and commercial publishers. The conclusion of a random sample feasibility study was:
Other studies covered in Covey's report include graphs indicating approval rates and transaction costs relating to the work.
Future additions to content
By 2023, the aggregate body of information contained in our Free Online Digital Library plus the amount of additional information on the websites of other sources accessed by links provided by us had reached nearly a level of critical mass for many users. The curious mind, whether student or member of the public, was able to self-generate via combination keyword searches through the contents of our digital library the equivalent of thousands of special exhibition brochures and catalogues. Persons with more in-depth needs will be still reliant on deeper research. A reason for using the word "nearly" is that events of, and artists active in, the first decades of the 21st century are exceptions to the rule. The knowledge components of future special exhibitions focused on artistic activity from pre-colonial times through the early decades of the 20th century are largely already available to our website visitors and from other websites via combination keyword searches.
The rise of large language models, containing data scraped form websites, provides yet another vehicle for students and the general public to summarize knowledge on a plethora of subjects including American representational art.
Many future exhibitions will continue to focus on aspects of the careers of popular deceased first tier artists. We define first tier artists as those artists whose works sell at auction for over $275,000 in 2024 dollars. Often extensive biographical information on these artists, as well as less popular artists, is alternately available via our America's Distinguished Artists catalogue. For topical exhibitions the same idea holds true. A popular topic -- such as California Art History,-- will usually be covered via our Topics in American Art catalogue and mixed with biographical and/or other topical information. Many other future exhibitions will be based on works in a museum's collection, due in no small part to financial considerations. Some will have companion catalogues or brochures.
As a result of TFAO's activity to date, addition of future content will largely be limited to second tier artists featured in museum exhibitions -- active or deceased and not well covered in America's Distinguished Artists -- plus recent topics.
Instructions for acquisition and management of TFAO website contents
A special feature of our website is that comprehensive instructions for acquisition and management of its contents are visible to volunteers and readers via its online pages. This feature is also helpful to other organizations interested in developing similar sites.
Pages providing instructions for core operations:
Deselection of content
It is our intent to store content within the our digital library as long as we have the means of doing so. We reserve, however, the right to remove previously published materials at its discretion. Because of our procedures to obtain approvals from copyright holders, this is a rare occurrence. For more information please see our Errors and omissions page. Also please see Durability and protection of content.
Alternate online models
Wikipedia is the largest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet. It is written collaboratively by volunteers from all around the world. Wikipedia does not list a page author because there may be many collaborative authors. Any reader can edit an article, which may lead to degradation of content. See Wikipedia's page "About Wikipedia" for a discussion of strengths and weaknesses of its content.
Knol was a venture, discontinued by Google in 2012, that provided free content by named authors on a non-exclusive basis. Readers were not able to change authored Knols, but were able to rate a Knol or write a review of it. Knols also included references and links to additional information. A Knol was like a blog but more structured. Google did not serve as an editor.
The Public Library of Science (PLoS)
The Public Library of Science (PLoS), a nonprofit scientific publishing venture headquartered in San Francisco, CA. This model contemplates the creation of specialty journals with free access. PLoS charges "...authors a fair price that reflects the actual cost of publication. However, the ability of authors to pay publication charges will never be a consideration in the decision whether to publish."
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Acquisition and deselection of content
Durability and protection of content
A vision of the future for digital libraries
A vision of the future for
Links to sources of information outside of our web site are provided only as referrals for your further consideration. Please use due diligence in judging the quality of information contained in these and all other web sites. Information from linked sources may be inaccurate or out of date. TFAO neither recommends or endorses these referenced organizations. Although TFAO includes links to other web sites, it takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on those other sites, nor exerts any editorial or other control over them. For more information on evaluating web pages see TFAO's General Resources section in Online Resources for Collectors and Students of Art History.
*Tag for expired US copyright of object image:
Copyright 2024 Traditional Fine Arts Organization, Inc., an Arizona nonprofit corporation. All rights reserved.