Traditional Fine Arts Organization

Institution Outreach Project



Letter template for outreach to college art museum studies faculty


To: paste all email addresses in this field

cc: this field is empty

bcc: paste INFO@TFAOI.ORG in this field


TFAO's online art museum studies resources (title of the email in the subject field)


Greetings from TFAO:

The Traditional Fine Arts Organization website contains projects, reports and studies, including materials valuable to museum studies faculty and students. Examples are: Museums Explained, Planning, Organizing and Touring Art Exhibitions, Founding a Private Art Museum and Digital Libraries for Museums.

For the past 19 years, all online content has been presented to viewers free of charge and will permanently continue on that basis. During the past two years several reports and studies were extensively revised to be of greater value to the academic community. Enjoy!

Best regards,

(first and last name of volunteer)

(Volunteer's city and state)

Outreach Volunteer (OK to add the word Student in front of Outreach if desired by volunteer)

Traditional Fine Arts Organization

a nonprofit organization dedicated to American art appreciation and education


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